{"id":7425,"global_id":"www.thesacredartgallery.com?id=7425","global_id_lineage":["www.thesacredartgallery.com?id=7425"],"author":"2","status":"publish","date":"2022-02-03 11:38:37","date_utc":"2022-02-03 18:38:37","modified":"2022-02-03 14:29:52","modified_utc":"2022-02-03 21:29:52","url":"https:\/\/www.thesacredartgallery.com\/event\/a-unique-opportunity-one-day-only\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/www.thesacredartgallery.com\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/7425","title":"A Unique Opportunity – ONE DAY ONLY!","description":"


Meet Fr. Bob Rossi and see his
\nDisplay of Illuminated Letters<\/h2>\n

\nFriday, February 18, 2022<\/strong>
\n3:30 – 5 pm<\/strong><\/p>\n

At the age of 70 Crosier priest Fr. Bob Rossi dived into a new interest – painting miniature paintings. With a special magnifying glass, he is able to hone in on every detail and color with priestly precision, completing some prized little jewels. Come see his latest collection of Illuminated Letters<\/em> and learn from him about this ancient art!
\nDuring the Middle Ages, monks prayerfully illuminated texts of the Bible and their liturgical books.
\nWhile on sabbatical in 2021, Fr. Rossi illuminated the first letters of selected Scripture texts from the Evening Prayer (Vespers) of feasts and Sundays of the year.<\/p>\n

He has now assembled a collection of these marvelous miniatures where he displays a contemporary touch to an ancient tradition.<\/p>\n