Miles Tucker
Miles Tucker grew up in Southeast Texas. He came from a long line of artists, including his
great-grandmother, his mother, and his older sister. His love for art started at the age of five
when he began spending countless hours wandering through art museums and art galleries in
moreMiles Tucker grew up in Southeast Texas. He came from a long line of artists, including his
great-grandmother, his mother, and his older sister. His love for art started at the age of five
when he began spending countless hours wandering through art museums and art galleries in
Houston with his mother.
Three years after graduating from high school, Miles entered the Marine Corp during the
escalation of the Vietnam war. His artistic ability was soon recognized, and he was assigned the
position of an illustrator, creating nose art for jet fighter squadrons and helicopter groups.
After finishing his service obligation, he began a career in Class “A” Commercial
construction. After a few years, he realized that his true passion was in the field of art. He then
left construction to pursue a full-time sculpturing career. For the next 35 years, he did freelance
and commission work for numerous Movie Stars and large corporations including Disney World.
However, his passion from a very young age was to become a bronze sculptor. He was then
commissioned by a patron to create his first bronze eagle. His talent for fine detail was revealed
in this newfound medium. Inspired by Michelangelo’s marble Pieta’, he directed all of his
attention to telling the story of Jesus, from the Bible. The stories from the Bible seem to come
to life when you can see a beautiful painting or a life-like sculpture of the many miracles and
Godly events.
Miles has had the opportunity to create sculptures for the Grand Floridian Hotel in Disney World, as well as commissioned work for several celebrities.
Miles work is best known for his attention to detail and realism. Although he is skilled in sculpting almost any subject, he has become well known for his work in the wildlife arena. Some of his larger pieces stand over twenty feet tall.
Miles is happily married and a father of five. They have eleven grandchildren. He and his wife currently live in Northern Nevada.